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CSBA Membership Information
Mississippi School Board Association's
Council of School Board Attorneys (CSBA)

The benefits of Membership:

  • CLE credits at Hot Topic Seminars

  • Membership rate for annual CSBA Law Seminar (which also offers six CLE credits and one hour of Ethics)

  • Access to the most current school law information available

  • Automatic membership at the national level 

To become a member, click the link to the left, fill out the form, and return it with your first annual dues payment to:

Mississippi School Boards Association
P.O. Box 203
Clinton, MS 39056
Attn: Stephanie Wells

Office: 380 Zurich Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Mail: PO Box 203, Clinton, MS 39060
Phone: 601-924-2001   Fax:601-924-2002   Toll Free:888-367-6722