
MSBA Publications

The publications in this section are provided exclusively for Mississippi board members and superintendents.  
The files are password protected. 

EEPL Handbook

Required Monthly Reports to be Furnished to the School Board
Complying with Mississippi Open Meeting Law  
Provides guidance on going into Executive Session   
The laws governing public schools are constantly changing and growing more complex. To keep up, school districts must have access to legal counsel.  
A document that focuses on the board member code of conduct and governance standards. 
A document that offers tips on parliamentary procedures for school board meetings. 
An instrument for taking stock of your board's effectiveness  
An instrument to objectively evaluate your superintendent.


Administration Instruction

These files are maintained within onedrive.  File links, permissions and passwords are set on a per file basis.  Presently, the files are hosted in dcarter's onedrive but can be hosted in any MSBA user's onedrive.  Once the files are created in a onedrive folder, the "share" option is used, and the gear icon next to the "copy link" button is used to set the permissions.  Once the link is copied, it is pasted here as a hyperlink for the respective file. 

Office: 380 Zurich Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Mail: PO Box 203, Clinton, MS 39060
Phone: 601-924-2001   Fax:601-924-2002   Toll Free:888-367-6722